Shahreen Rahman

Director, International Internship Program
Office Phone
A58 (OIP main office)

Shahreen Rahman is the Director of the International Internship Program (IIP), where she advises and assists undergraduate students pursuing international internships across the globe. She is responsible for strengthening established internships and creating new opportunities for students. Shahreen holds a Master of Arts in international affairs from the New School. Shahreen joins the Office of International Programs after nine years at the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York City. She has also held positions at Princeton in the Office of Admission, Office of Alumni Affairs, and Princeton in Africa. Having grown up in Bangladesh, Shahreen is a strong advocate of pursuing international opportunities. In the words of Shahreen’s favorite poet, Rabindranath Tagore, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Shahreen hopes that students will continue to uphold the University’s mission acting “in the service of humanity” by participating in international opportunities offered through IIP. 

Shahreen advises students for IIPs in Africa, South Asia, Middle East, and non-STEM IIPs in Europe (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy, Russia, Sweden, and the UK). She is also the first point of contact for Princeton in France and the Streicker International Fellows Program.