Rosemary Dietz '25


Major: English
College: Mathey
International Experience: University College Cork
Location: Cork, Ireland

I am a current senior in the English department who studied abroad in Cork, Ireland’s second most populous city! I found the alternate perspectives on English-language literature that I was enmeshed in to be invaluable to my Junior Independent Work. Most importantly, the opportunity to meet so many students from around the globe and to live in an entirely new place outside of the Orange Bubble strengthened my confidence like no other experience has before. I am also a part of Ellipses and Moon Press, Princeton’s slam poetry and long form publication clubs, and as an avid poet and prose writer I found my writing soaring both during and after my time abroad. After studying in Ireland, I briefly visited Scotland and Denmark before settling in Girona, Spain for two months to immerse myself in the beautiful language of Catalan and draft my upcoming poetry thesis. Alternate perspectives are at the core of all creative work - I would not have been able to write effectively without first listening and striving to understand others. Regardless of what type of art you pursue, including the art of a well-designed experiment or theory, I truly believe that any discipline can be enriched by studying abroad!

Student organization(s) I'm a part of at Princeton:
Ellipses Slam Poetry, Moon Press

Feel free to also ask me about:
Studying abroad as an LQBTQIA+ and neurodivergent student abroad

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