Olena Kovalenko '27

2024 Streicker International Fellow
Major: Mathematics
Internship Site: Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

During my internship at The Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics (IEAP) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), a prominent scientific and educational institute focused on the physics of the microworld and its applications, I worked with a small neutrino physics collaboration called SuperNEMO, which studies double-beta decay processes. It was fascinating to see the diverse backgrounds of the collaborators involved in the project, including French middle school students learning about the detector’s operation on-site and Czech undergraduate students doing simulation work. This diversity allowed me to engage with various communities, fueled by my passion for physics and helped me develop my programming and mathematical modeling skills. The highlight of my internship was listening to presentations of my colleagues and students of CTU and getting to know their research. I was impressed by how many aspects of SuperNEMO are being studied. Additionally, as part of my cultural immersion program, I delved into traditional Czech art forms such as pottery and bronze casting.

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