Gillian Rosenberg '25

2024 Streicker International Fellow
Major: Linguistics
Internship Site: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany

As part of my fellowship, I interned for a linguistics research institute in Berlin called ZAS. It is a federally funded institute and is comprised of researchers from all around the world. These researchers publish research constantly and contribute to the linguistics field. I was working with the FLESH team which is made up of a group of researchers that are interested in looking at coordination between speech and gesture. 

I was fortunate to be part of a smart, welcoming team focused on speech-gesture coordination research.  I helped run an experiment on hand gesture with 50 people. I then annotated and cleaned that data, and wrote code to analyze the data. One highlight of my internship experience was assisting with conducting an experiment with my team at an event called the "long night of sciences" in Berlin, where residents came to a big building and participated in lots of research. I learned a lot from running the experiment and got to meet many people. I loved my work. 

Exploring Berlin was also an amazing experience. I rented bikes almost daily and went all around the city. To engage with the past history of Jews in the Berlin area, I visited the Jewish Museum and a concentration camp. Furthermore, to engage with the present Jewish life, I attended a Kosher Food festival which brought together a lot of Jewish community members who live in Berlin. It gave me a great taste of Jewish life here today. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime summer, and I am so grateful.

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