Eileen Zheng '27

2024 Streicker International Fellow
Major: Molecular Biology
Internship Site: Westlake University RNA and Disease Lab, Hangzhou, China

Throughout the summer, I stayed at Westlake University, a newly established research-oriented institution located in Hangzhou, China, devoted to translating research findings into real-world applications. The university strives to serve the global community, embracing international teaching, research, and intellectual rights standards. I worked in the lab of Dr. Dieter A. Wolf, a professor at the Westlake University School of Medicine. The Wolf Lab focuses on RNA-based mechanisms underlying cellular and molecular processes of diseases such as cancer, emphasizing research, disease orientation, and multidisciplinary collaboration. The lab utilizes combinations of biochemical, genetic, and systems biology approaches to pursue and develop therapeutic approaches for RNA-based disease mechanisms.

At the Lab, I collaborated with my mentor on her project investigating the impact of eIF3 subunits on cell oncogenic transformation and early stages of growth in Li–Fraumeni Syndrome. I also had the opportunity to perform biochemical and biological approaches to investigate processes at the molecular level and work with mouse models.

During the weekends and after business hours, I would usually visit the Xihu scenery spots and other spots around Hangzhou with my mentor. I also participated in the University's summer camp during my last two weeks where I had an opportunity to meet  native college students. 

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