Global Ambassador Anlon Zhu
Major: Computer Science
College: Forbes
International Experience: Worcester College, Oxford University
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Hi! I'm Anlon and I am a currently a senior studying Computer Science with a certificate in Robotics. I’m originally from Irvine, CA, and I studied abroad at Worcester College, one of Oxford’s many colleges. There, I was able to involve myself in a different learning style through Oxford’s tutorial system, which allows students to meet 1-on-1 with their professor or a graduate student for advising. While there, I was able to dive into AI/ML topics and learn about my tutors’ research in areas such as Computer Vision and Computational Game Theory. The tutorial system prepared me to manage my time well and work independently so that I was prepared to fully leverage the 1-on-1 time each week. My favorite memory while at Worcester was joining the boat club and rowing with matriculated students. We ended the year with the Summer VIIIs race, and it was a blast to compete. Furthermore, I was able to leverage the proximity to other European countries! Highlights include traveling across Switzerland and skiing from the top of Matterhorn Mountain, traveling with other visiting students in Amsterdam, and hiking the Calanques in the south of France. It was an amazing opportunity to meet visiting students from across the world, including not only UK residents, but also students from Nepal, China, and the Netherlands to name a few. I highly recommend studying abroad!
Student organization(s) I'm a part of at Princeton:
Princeton Undergraduate Capital Partners, Triple 8 (Graphics)
Feel free to also ask me about:
Studying abroad as an Asian-American student