Andrew Zucker '25

2024 Streicker International Fellow
Major: Molecular Biology
Internship Site: Biozentrum - University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

During my time at the Biozentrum, the fundamental biology department of the University of Basel, I worked on developmental biology research in the lab of Susan Mango *90.  The Biozentrum is the department of the University of Basel dedicated to fundamental biology research. I was working within the Mango group which specializes in embryogenesis and developmental biology. The specific focus of this lab is to understand the genome organization and structure and how it shifts during embryogenesis to allow for early specification. The organization plays a role in advancing the universal knowledge of biology.

I worked with the worm C. elegans to study genome/DNA structure and organization the developing embryo. I specifically worked to characterize the properties of the DNA in a specific subnuclear domain. The internship culminated in the institute-wide retreat where I was able to present my research during a poster session. Beyond work, I enjoyed cooking meals, going for swims in the Rhine river, and running in the Swiss Alps 50k race.

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